ftblogoFree The Bowl® is an annual, national, anti-beer-advertising contest that challenges youth to create short videos exposing the harm of exploitative alcohol advertising during the biggest sporting event in America - the Super Bowl. It provides a channel for young people ages 10 to 20 to digitally protest excessive alcohol ads shown during TV sporting events. The contest is a project of Alcohol Justice, a non-profit, alcohol industry watchdog. 

Big Alcohol spends a half billion dollars a year advertising on TV sports events alone. The more alcohol ads kids see, the more likely they are to drink, drink to excess and drink more often. In 2009, the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking reported that 5,000 people under the age of 21 die annually from injuries caused by alcohol. Hundreds of thousands more suffer alcohol-fueled sexual assaults, serious injuries, diseases and academic failure. The Free The Bowl® youth video contest challenges youth to question the advertising messages they are force-fed while calling their peers' attention to this critical public health issue. 

This year’s fourth annual contest seeks original, 30 second to 3 minute art or music performance counter-ads with a core message about the relationship of alcohol ads, sponsorship and branding during sporting events to over-consumption, and alcohol-related violence.